Musical summer camp
A whole month, learning and having fun with music - for free!

Barnas sommer 2021
(The Children's summer 2021)

Aurora Vocalis offers a range of different music lessons, one-on-one or in groups, usually during the school year. However, this summer 2021, we are collaborating with BISS Gausel to arrange our first summer camp!
We are lucky to not only be sponsored by BISS Gausel and BISS foundation, for their location and equipment, but we are also fully funded by Stavanger kommune as part of their project "Barnas sommer!" to provide fun and FREE vacation options in these times where restricted traveling encourage 'stay-cations' instead. Our local Rema 1000 Storaberget has graciously sponsored us with free fruit for the first two weeks, Kiwi Åsen the last week, and Greenpeas has delivered take away at a very generous discount! Our local 4Sound store has sponsored us with some free music equipment and a good discount on the rest of the musical instruments and equipment we've had to invest in.
A big thank you to them all for their contribution to our community and making music available for everyone!
Want to contribute? Contact: sommerleir@auroravocalis.net
What will happen?
The focus will be on singing and music lessons/activities, both theory, practical and performing in groups. We encourage participants to bring their own instruments, both for variation when playing together in ensembles, but also for the sake of infection control. Among other things, we have some ukuleles, guitars, and violins available. There is no requirement that you have or can play an instrument to participate! Lessons are some given in Norwegian and some in English.
For the days to be varied, there will be time for free play, physical activity, and art activities. Through collaboration and social interaction, participants will be able to develop linguistic skills in Norwegian and English.
There will be teachers with different professional competences, which will make the content varied during each week, and from week to week. The participants' background and understanding will also influence some of the content. We are still working on the details, so changes may occur.
Dates: Week 27-30 (5-30 July) Time: Monday to Friday 08.00-16.00Where: BISS Gausel, Gauselbakken 107, StavangerWho: Children and teens aged 6-16.Ages 6-9 (PYP1-4) in one groupAges 10-16 (PYP5-MYP4) in one group.Limited places.
Different ensembles depending on what instruments students bring. Brass, wind, strings, percussion etc.
Piano/keyboard, guitar, violin, percussion
Group lessons and ensembles for all levels.